Helen Shephard 1st October 2010

I can’t yet believe that you will never again gush through my front door with your coat flapping announcing you’ve “come to see me”! A cup of tea and often a cigarette later you would then announce “I.m off now, see you soon!” During these times we discussed all sorts of topics, some deep such as “why would the boy called Kevin’s mum still keep a room for him?” to others like being Piscean and Taurean, vegetarians (of course), children, dyslexia, the price of a Panini, why are men so different to us? the weather! etc etc etc, the list goes on... I have always been grateful that you were my children’s first teacher.... At least Jack enjoyed 1 year of school even if the following ones proved more difficult for him! He says you were “the best teacher” and I thank you for that. Jess loved the freedom of your class too and obviously listened well to the ‘green oxo’s are best’ lesson as she followed this advice — for a while anyway! Working with you was an honour, I learnt so much about children from you and lots about myself too! You were truly a selfless free spirit with a huge, huge heart. Next time I’m in the Swan I shall raise a glass of Elsie Mo ( or maybe two!)and thank you for being my friend. Anyway Margaret , in your words...”I’m off now, see you soon” With much love Helen xxx